Inge Nouws
Inge Nouws (1965) is a dutch illustrator and artist
based in Barcelona. In 2005 she made a leap into
childrens illustration after being a fashion designer
for 15 years. Her first book "Kars in the Poepfabriek"
was published in the same year.
Since 2009 she teaches creativity and illustration
classes to children and adults in Spain and Holland.
Inge´s illustrations and artworks have been exhibited
in several countries as Tsjech Republique, Bulgaria,
Italy, Holland, Portugal, Japan, Arabic emirates and Spain.
She has been awarded in Bologna in 2012 with an
award of excelence. In 2012 she received a honorable
mention at ABW edition Lidu in Prague. Selected artist
in Lisbon in the international Illustration Biennale
Ilustrarte 2014. Selected illustrator in
Sharjah Reading Festival 2015. Finalist in the
Salon do Livro Pontevedra 2017. Bissa Ajudaris 2019
Bologna finalist 2022-23-24.
Among her clients:
La Casa de Carlota
ESDI escola de diseny
Noordhoff uitgeverij Holland
Stichting Autoped/ Boekie Boekie
Flow magazine
Querido uitgeverij
Thoeris uitgeverij
Difrax BV
Bryte Communications
La Casa de Carlota
El Auditorio de Barcelona
IED Instituto Europeo de Diseño Barcelona
Ayuntamiento de Barcelona
Ayuntamiento de Castelldefels
Instituto de la Infancia
Chucherias de Arte
Uitgeverij Bonte Koe
El Petit